
The Fuji Film Collection ‘My best shot’ –
101 Photographs of Japan’s Greatest Photographers







2014年1月17日(金)- 2月5日(水)/東京・フジフイルム スクエア
2014年2月21日(金)- 3月5日(水)/大阪・富士フイルムフォトサロン大阪
2014年8月1日(金)- 9月28日(日)/愛知・愛知県美術館(名古屋市)
2015年1月10日(土)- 2月11日(水)/兵庫・伊丹市立美術館
2015年3月5日(木)- 5月17日(日)/京都・細見美術館
2015年10月3日(土)- 11月1日(日)/北海道・北網圏北見文化センター美術館
2015年11月20日(金)- 2016年 1月27日(水)/北海道・北海道立釧路芸術館
2016年3月11日(金)- 3月30日(水)/北海道「写真の町」東川町文化ギャラリー
2016年7月16日(土)- 8月21日(日)/青森・八戸市美術館
2017年3月24日(金)- 4月12日(水)/東京・フジフイルム スクエア
2017年7月1日(土)- 8月20日(日)/山梨県立美術館
2017年11月23日(木)- 12月24日(日) /鳥取県立博物館
2018年1月20日(土)- 3月27日(火)/新潟池田記念美術館
2018年10月27日(土)- 11月18日(日)/新潟県見附市ギャラリーみつけ

会 場 :郡山市立美術館
     〒963-0666 福島県郡山市安原町字大谷地 130-2
会 期 :2019年04月20日(土)〜06月23日(日)
入場料 : 一般800円(640円)、高大学生・65歳以上500円(400円)
     ※( )内は団体料金
主 催 :郡山市立美術館



講演者 :飯沢耕太郎(写真、映像評論家)
日 時 :

会 場 :多目的スタジオ/入場無料


講演者 :当館学芸員(写真、映像評論家)
日 時 :

会 場 :多目的スタジオ/入場無料


講演者 :当館学芸員(写真、映像評論家)
日 時 :

会 場 :企画展示室

The Koriyama City Museum of Art presents
The Fuji Film Collection ‘My best shot’ – 101 Photographs of Japan’s Greatest Photographers

The first photographic procedure, the Daguerreotype, was presented in Paris in 1839. Only nine years later, in 1848, this technology was introduced to Japan. Within the more than 150 years since photography arrived at the end of the Tokugawa period, Japan has brought forth many excellent photographers. This exhibition shows the best shots of 101 particularly important artists among them, which will be exhibited as masterful silver halide prints, giving an overview over the history of Japanese photography.

In this exhibition you will find works by the early masters of Japanese photography such as Felice Beato and Shimo’oka Renjo. You will also find pictorialist art photographers and works by artists associated with the modernist New Photography movement of the 1930s such as Shiotani Teiko or Fukuhara Shinzo, alongside the multi-faceted expressions by leading figures of both pre- and post-war photography such as Hayashi Tadahiko, Ueda Shoji or Kimura Ihei.

Today, we see photography having entered yet a new stage due to the spread of digital technology and the internet. We hope that this exhibition will not only show you some of the most essential aspects of Japanese photography but also that it becomes an opportunity to think about what photography was, is and might become.

Exhibited Artists (in alphabetical order)

AKIYAMA Ryoji / AKIYAMA Shotaro / ARAKI Nobuyoshi / ARITA Taiji / BEATO Felice / DOMON Ken / ENARI Tsuneo / FUGO Hitoshi / FUKASE Masahisa / FUKUHARA Roso / FUKUHARA Shinzo / GOCHO Shigeo / HAGA Hideo / HAMAYA Hiroshi / HARA Naohisa / HAYASHI Tadahiko / HIROKAWA Taishi / HIROTA Naotaka / HOSOE Eikoh / HOSHINO Michio / INA Eiji / IRIE Taikichi / ISHIMOTO Yasuhiro / ISHIUCHI Miyako / ITO Yoshihiko / IWAMIYA Takeji / JUMONJI Bishin / KAGEYAMA Koyo / KASHIMA Seibei / KAWADA Kikuji / KIKAI Hiroh / KIJIMA Takashi / KIMURA Ihei / KINOSHITA Akira / KITAI Kazuo / KITAJIMA Keizo / KON Michiko / KUBOTA Hiroji / KURATA Seiji / KURIGAMI Kazumi / KUSAKABE Kimbei / KUWABARA Shisei / KUWABARA Kineo / MAEDA Shinzo / MIDORIKAWA Youichi / MINAMIKAWA Sanjiro / MIYAMOTO Ryuji / MIYOSHI Kozo / MIZUKOSHI Takeshi / MIZUTANI Akito / MORINAGA Jun / MORIYAMA Daidō / NAGAKURA Hiromi / NAGANO Shigeichi / NAKAMURA Ikuo / NARAHARA Ikko / NOMACHI Kazuyoshi / OGAWA Kazumasa / OGAWA Takayuki / OHNISHI Mitsugu / OKADA Koyo / OTAKE Shoji / OTSUJI Kiyoji / SAITO Ryoichi / SAKATA Eiichiro / SATO Tokihiro / SAWATARI Hajime / SEIKE Tomio / SETO Masato / SHIBATA Toshio / SHIMAO Shinzo / SHIMO’OKA Renjo / SHINOYAMA Kishin / SHIOTANI Teiko / SHIRAHATA Shiro / SHIRAOKA Jun / SUDA Issei / SUGIYAMA Mamoru / SUKITA Masayoshi / SUZUKI Kiyoshi / TABUCHI Yukio / TAKANASHI Yutaka / TAKEUCHI Toshinobu / TAMURA Akihide / TANAKA Kojo / TANUMA Takeyoshi / TATSUKI Yoshihiro / TOMATSU Shomei / TOMIYAMA Haruo / TSUCHIDA Hiromi / TSUKIJI Hitoshi / UCHIDA Kuichi / UEDA Yoshihiko / UEDA Shoji / UENO Hikoma / USHIODA Tokuko / WATANABE Yoshio / YAMAGUCHI Herbie / YAMAZAKI Hiroshi / YAMAZAWA Eiko / YASUI Nakaji

Venue: The Koriyama Museum of Art
130-2 Ooyaji Yasuharamachi, Koriyama, Fukushima 963-0666
URL: https://www.city.koriyama.lg.jp/bijutsukan/index.html
TEL: 024-956-2200
Period: April 20, 2019 (Sat.) – June 23, 2019 (Sun.)
09:30-17:00 (last admission: 16:30)
*closed on Mondays (open on May 6, closed on May 7)
Admission:  adult ¥800 (¥640),
University and Highschool students as well as seniors (65 and older) ¥400
*free for students in Junior High School and younger
*prices in brackets are for groups
Organization: Koriyama City Museum of Art
Special CollaborationFUJIFILM Corporation
Supervision: Photo Classic
Planning and Production: Contact Co. Ltd.

Events during the exhibition

① Lecture on the History of Photography

Date: May 18 (Sat.),  14:00-
Lecturer: Iizawa Kotaro (photography critic)
Venue: Multipurpose Hall (tamokuteki hooru)
Admission: Free
*no reservation necessary

② Art Lecture “The Relationship of Photography and Painting”

Date: June 16 (Sun.),  14:00-
Lecturer: curator in charge
Venue: Lecture Hall (tamokuteki hooru)
Admission: Free
*no reservation necessary

③ Golden Week Gallery Talks

Date: every day from April 27 (Sat.) to May 6 (Mon.), 14:00-
Lecturer: curator in charge
Venue: Exhibition Hall
Admission: with valid ticket
*no reservation necessary
