大竹省二 「カラー写真が夢見た時代 COLOR DREAMS」

COLOR DREAMS: The Age of Color Photography

*トップ画像:佐久間良子 (Photographer: Shoji Otake, ©Ayumi Otake)
*Top image:Ryoko Sakuma (Photographer: Shoji Otake, ©Ayumi Otake)

鰐淵晴子 (Photographer: Shoji Otake, ©Ayumi Otake)
Haruko Wanibuchi (Photographer: Shoji Otake, ©Ayumi Otake)





日本でいち早くカラーフィルムの開発に取り組んだ当社は、すでに第一線で活躍し米国のカラーフィルムにも熟知していた大竹に、製品開発の初期の段階から協力を仰ぎました。また、富士フォトサロン(現・富士フイルムフォトサロン)において、1960年に「大竹省二カラー近作展」、1967年に「フジカラーによる大竹省二写真展《COLOR LADIES》」とカラーをテーマにした展覧会も開催しています。大竹の厳しい眼が、国産カラーフィルム開発に少なからぬ影響を与えていたことも想像できます。 

本展、 大竹省二 「カラー写真が夢見た時代 COLOR DREAMS」 では、没後6年を経て、大竹省二事務所のアーカイブ構築作業の中から再発見された富士フォトサロンで展示された作品をはじめ、雑誌の表紙やグラビア等に発表された1960年代のカラー写真など、最新の技術で再現したプリント約30点を展示します。大竹省二の日本のカラー写真史における業績に迫るとともに、モノクロが主流だった時代に色彩あふれるファッショナブルなカラー写真が、いかにきたるべき豊かな暮らしへの夢と希望を抱かせてくれる存在であったかを感じていただける写真展です。 

作家プロフィール Artist Profile




会 場 :FUJIFILM SQUARE (フジフイルム スクエア)
     〒107-0052東京都港区赤坂9丁目7番3号 東京ミッドタウン・ウエスト
会 期 :2021年7月20日(火)〜10月19日(火)
入場料 : 無料
主 催 :

協 力 :大竹省二事務所
企 画 :コンタクト


会 場 :静岡・グランシップ6F展示ギャラリー
会 期 :2021年7月28日(水)〜8月22日(日)
主 催 :公益財団法人静岡県文化財団 

Photo History Museum Photo Exhibition

Shoji Otake “COLOR DREAMS: The Age of Color Photography”

浜美枝 (Photographer: Shoji Otake, ©Ayumi Otake)
Mie Hama – Photographer: Shoji Otake ©Ayumi Otake 

To this day, I haven’t forgotten the excitement I felt the moment I saw a developed color film for the first time.

Shoji Otake

Shoji Otake has left a major mark on the history of post-war Japanese photography. He started his career as a contract photographer for the public relations department of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (SCAP or, in Japan, GHQ) after World War II, when Tokyo was nothing but burnt out ruins. Otake was lucky. Despite goods of every description being in short supply at that time, Otake had free access to cameras and film, even color film. He was fascinated by the vivid colors and sensed color photography’s great potential, which he became one of the first to explore. It is not too much to say that for Otake color photography was a medium that symbolized the beginning of a new era, a medium that he placed his hopes and dreams in.

During the 1960s, Otake went on to build a brilliant career as a photographer by providing photographs for various illustrated magazines and advertisements, reflecting Japan on its way to a period of high economic growth. Especially his portraits of women made him famous, so much so that his name became synonymous with female portraits. The remarkable technological progress made by camera and film manufacturers in Japan was another essential factor behind the achievements of Otake and many other photographers at that time.

Fujifilm was one of the first companies to develop color films in Japan and collaborated from the earliest stages of product development with Otake, who at that time already was familiar with American color films and worked at the vanguard of color photography. Fujifilm also hosted exhibitions of Otake’s color works such as “Recent Color Photographs by Shoji Otake” in 1960 and “COLOR LADIES: A FUJICOLOR Exhibition of Photographs by Shoji Otake” in 1967 at what today is the FUJIFILM Photo Salon. It is safe to say that Otake’s uncompromising eye has contributed considerably to the development of color films in Japan.

This exhibition will show 30 color works that have been carefully reproduced using state-of-the-art technology. It will include color photographs Otake took for magazine covers and gravure magazines in the 1960s, and works that have been exhibited at FUJIFILM Photo Salon in the past and have been rediscovered in the process of archiving his oeuvre following his death six years ago. This exhibition will present a close look at Otake’s achievements within the context of the history of Japanese color photography. It allows us a glimpse at how vivid and fashionable color photographs, during a time dominated by monochrome photography, expressed hopes and dreams of a prosperous future to come.

Artist Profile

Born in Shizuoka Prefecture in 1922, Otake Shoji devoted himself to photography since his days as a teenager. Though starting out as an amateur, he soon made himself known to the broader photographic community of Japan by repeatedly winning monthly competitions hosted by camera magazines. Otake studied at The Tongwen Guan, the School of Combined Learning in Shanghai, until he was drafted in 1942. He returned to Tokyo in 1945 and became a contract photographer for the public relations department of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (SCAP or, in Japan, GHQ) in 1946. In 1950, he was made the head of the Photography Department of the U.S.-based news agency International News Service’s (INS) Tokyo branch office and started working as a freelance photographer later that year.

In 1953, he became one of the founding members of the Nikakai Association of Photographers. He photographed many of Japan’s leading authors, actors and artists and was especially lauded for his portraits and nude photographs of women. In 1992, he received the Distinguished Service Award from the Photographic Society of Japan. Shoji Otake died in 2015 at the age of 93.


9 Chome-7-3 Akasaka, Minato City, Tokyo 107-0052

July 20, 2021 – October 19, 2021

10:00-19:00 (last admission: 18:30)
*10:00 – 16:00 on the final day of the exhibition
* Exhibitions and events may be subject to cancellation or change by force of circumstances. Please check our website or via phone before visiting.

Admission: free
*This exhibition is being held as a corporate MECENAT activity. Admission is free to allow everyone to enjoy this exhibition.

FUJIFILM Corporation

Shoji Otake’s Office

Planning and Production:
Contact Co. Ltd.

Events during the Exhibition

Exhibition “Photographer Shoji Otake”

Shizuoka Granship Gallery, 6th floor
URL: http://www.granship.or.jp

July 28, 2021 – August 22, 2021
10:00-19:00 (last admission: 18:30)
*10:00 – 16:00 on the final day of the exhibition
* Exhibitions and events may be subject to cancellation or change by force of circumstances. Please check our website or via phone before visiting.

Shizuoka Cultural Foundation
