



2018年は日仏友好160周年、さらには、京都市とパリ市が友情盟約締結60周年を迎えます。この記念すべき年に、当館はフランスの偉大なアマチュア写真家 ジャック=アンリ・ラルティーグの写真展を開催する運びとなりました。






永遠の少年、ラルティーグ ―写真は魔法だ!―

会 場 :細見美術館
     TEL: 075-752-5555
     URL: www.emuseum.or.jp
会 期 :2018年4月21日(土)~6月3日(日)
休館日 :毎週月曜日(祝日の場合、翌火曜日)
観覧料 :一般 1,300円(1,200円) 学生 1,000円(900円)
     *( )内は20名以上の団体料金
主 催 : 細見美術館、京都新聞
後 援 :在日フランス大使館/アンスティチュ・フランセ
協 力 :株式会社便利堂、KYOTOGRAPHIE 京都国際写真祭、日本カメラ博物館



講 師 : 井口芳夫(日本カメラ博物館   学芸員)
日 時 : 5月12日(土)14:00~
会 場 : 京都市勧業館 みやこめっせ

作品タイトル 上から


Jacques Henri Lartigue
Photographie, c’est magique!

Life is this wonderful thing, dancing, jumping, flying, laughing
…and passing.

It was 1963, the year Jacques Henri Lartigue turned 69, when the first large-scale retrospective of his works was held at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. The late debut, shortly before his 70th birthday, exerted a great impact all around the world, resulting in successive publications and exhibitions of this “great amateur photographer” that finally made him into the master photographer art history remembers him as today.
Lartigue was born 1894 in Courbevoie, a suburb of Paris, to a wealthy bourgeois family. At the age of seven, his father, who was a connoisseur in photography, bought him his first camera, a wooden view camera that uses a gelatin dry plate. The young boy, who also loved to paint, soon became absorbed with his “magical toy” and continued throughout his life to document the joyful moments with the things he loved.
Born into a wealthy family in France around the Fin de siècle he was also witness to the golden age of Art Nouveau. Given that back then photographic cameras were luxury items and photography a hobby only a handful of people were able to pursue, the fact that a camera for the young Lartigue was something like a toy, bespeaks of the enormous wealth of the Lartigue family. Automobiles, planes, tennis, trips to the seaside, women wearing the newest fashion – while Lartigue took photographs mostly for his own pleasure, they also bear valuable testimony to this ‘good old period’ and its illustrious culture, art and industry.
This exhibition shows around 160 images, from representative works of Lartigue’s youth until his later years, to color photographs of which a large proportion is being exhibited in Japan for the first time. And in doing so, it allows a glimpse at the world of Lartigue enjoying photography, of him chasing passing moments, chasing the joys of life.

Venue:Hosomi Museum
6-3 Okazaki Saishojicho, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto, 606-8342 Kyoto Prefecture, Japan 
Period:April 21. (Sat.), 2018 – June 3. (Sun.), 2018
Opening Hours:10:00 – 18:00 (last admission 17:30)
* Closed on Mondays 

Admissions:Adults 1,300 Yen (1,200 Yen), Students 1,000 Yen (900 Yen)
* prices in brackets are for groups of 20 and more. 

Organization: Hosomi Museum, Kyoto Shimbun.
Support:The Embassy of France, Institut français du Japon
Special Cooperation:The Jacques Henri Lartigue Foundation
Cooperation:Benrido, KYOTOGRAPHIE,  JCII Camera Museum
Planning:Contact Co., Ltd.

