The first time that the photographic works of Jacques Henri Lartigue came to light was at a retrospective exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, in 1963, when Lartigue was already 69 years of age. However, the debut of this late bloomer caused a major stir around the world. Lartigue’s exhibition was quickly followed by publications of his works, and along with another French amateur photographer, Henri Cartier–Bresson, Lartigue carved his name in the annals of the history of photography.
Jacques Henri Lartigue was born in 1894 into an extremely wealthy family. For Lartigue, capturing memories from his happy childhood before they faded away forever was of utmost importance. Lartigue’s father was very interested in photography, and bought his son his first pinhole camera with a tripod when Lartigue was only seven. Lartigue was thrilled was his “magic box,” and carried his new toy around with him capturing a variety of images. His photographs were for his own personal enjoyment and were one of his most valuable possessions. He captured images of automobiles and airplanes, which were still extremely rare at the time, and thanks to his privileged social circumstances, was able to take photos of women adorned in the latest styles and at the most fashionable places. These images now constitute a valuable archive of the culture, arts and industries of France’s belle époque.
With the cooperation of the Jacques Henri Lartigue Donation, this exhibition is pleased to present 25 of Lartigue’s photographic works taken from the very early years of the 1900s to the second decade of the 20th century that depict the brilliance and gaiety of France’s belle époque.
作家プロフィール Artist Profile
1894年6月13日フランス・クールブヴォワの裕福な家庭に生まれる。1902年、写真好きであった父親から9×12のガラス乾板を使う木製ビューカメラを買ってもらい、初めての写真「パパとママ」を撮影。この頃、写真を入れた日記を付け始め、この習慣は晩年まで続く。 1915年、ジュリアン・アカデミーで油絵を学ぶ。1916~18年、陸軍に入隊。 1922年、サロン・ドートンヌに絵画作品を出品。 1954年、シャン・ディマージュ写真クラブ設立。 1963年、ニューヨーク近代美術館で初の回顧展を開催。大きな反響を呼ぶ。 1966年、写真集『ファミリー・アルバム』刊行により作品が広く知られるようになる。 1979年、全作品をフランス政府に寄贈。1986年、レジオン・ドヌール勲章オフィシエ章受章。1986年9月12日ニースにて死去。
Jacques Henri Lartigue was born in Courbevoie, France, to a wealthy family on June 13, 1894. In 1901, his father, a keen photographer, bought Lartigue his first pinhole camera, and the following year he took his first ever photo – a photo of his parents entitled “Mama and Papa.” Lartigue soon began keeping a journal in which he attached his photos, and continued this practice throughout his life. In 1915, he attended the Julien Academy where he began studying painting, and in 1916 joined the French army until the conclusion of the First World War. In 1922, he exhibited his works in Paris and at various locations throughout France, and in 1954 founded the Gens d’Image Association. In 1963, a retrospective exhibition of Lartigue’s works was held at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, causing a major stir in photographic circles. His works become even more widely known following the publication of his photo collection Family Album in 1966. In 1979, Lartigue donated his complete works to the French nation, and was made a chevalier in the Legion d’Honneur shortly before his death in Nice at the age of 92 on September 12, 1986.
展覧会詳細 Details
期間:2015年11月3日(火・祝) – 2016年2月1日(月)
FUJIFILM SQUARE(フジフイルム スクエア)写真歴史博物館
〒107-0052 東京都港区赤坂9丁目7番3号(東京ミッドタウン・ウエスト)
TEL: 03-6271-3350
URL: http://fujifilmsquare.jp
Photo History Museum
Tokyo Midtown West
9-7-3 Akasaka, Minato-ku
Tokyo 107-0052
Tel: 03-6271-3350
November 3, 2015 – February 1, 2016
(open everyday from 10:00 – 19:00, last entry – 18:50)
Admission: free
Organizer: FUJIFILM Corporation
Cooperation: The Jacques Henri Lartigue Donation
Support: Minato City Board of Education
Planning: Contact