Haruo Ohara Fotografias


写真:)朝の雲、1952年 パラナ州テラ・ボア
©Haruo Ohara/Instituto Moreira Salles Collections
Hoje você vê a flor
Agradeça à semente de ontem

「昨日まかれた種に感謝 今日見る花を咲かせてくれた」―大原治雄のメモより


〒407-0301 山梨県北杜市高根町清里3545-1222
TEL: 0551-48-5599
開館時間:10:00~18:00 12月1日~4日は10:00~17:00(入館は閉館30分前まで)
友の会・会員は無料。( )内は20名様以上の団体料金。家族割引あり(2名様以上~6名様まで)。


大原治雄「ブラジルの光、家族の風景」は、日系移民として高知県からブラジルへわたり、アマチュア写真家として活動し、ブラジル国内で大変高い評価を得た“知られざる巨匠”大原治雄(おおはら はるお)の日本での大規模な回顧展です。


太陽にてらされて まっ白い糸が


特筆すべきは、優れた表現力ですが、大自然を相手に一喜一憂する日常を書き綴ることによって、不安に波立つ心を鎮めていたのかもしれません。ある年、霜害で農園のコーヒーの木が枯れてしまい、一家は10年間厳しい生活を送りました。その間にも、大原は、頭を抱えた自分自身のポートレイトを撮影し、ユーモアを感じさせる余裕さえ見せています。そして、再び農業が軌道に乗った後に撮影したのが、写真:)朝の雲、1952年 パラナ州テラ・ボア、大原のセルフポートレイトです。

*清里フォトアートミュージアム発行のPRESS RELEASEより転載させていただきました。

大原治雄作品1(Ohara Haruo Works 1)
大原治雄作品2(Ohara Haruo Works 2)

●大原治雄 Haruo Ohara(1909-1999)略歴

1958年 パラナ州ロンドリーナ ©Haruo Ohara/Instituto Moreira Salles Collections

Hoje você vê a flor
Agradeça à semente de ontem

Thankful for the seed cast yesterday;
It is what made today’s flower bloom
– from Ohara’s notebook

●General Information
Exhibition of Photographs by OHARA Haruo
The Light of Brazil – Family Sceneries

Period:October, 22. 2016 (Sat.) – December, 4. 2016 (Sun.)
Venue:Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts
3545-1222 Takanecho Kiyosato, Hokuto, Yamanashi Prefecture, 407-0301 JAPAN
URL: http://www.kmopa.com/
TEL: 0551-48-5599 FAX: 0551-48-5445
Organization:Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts, Instituto Moreira Salles, The Embassy of Brazil Tokyo
Support:The Yamanashi Prefectural Board of Education, The Hokuto Municipal Board of Education
Planning:Contact Co., Ltd.
Opening Hours:10:00 – 18:00 (last admission 17:30); 10:00 – 17:00 (last admission 16:30) between December 1., 2016 – Dezember 4., 2016; closed on Tuesdays
Admission: Adult 800 ¥ (600 ¥), University Students 600 ¥ (400 ¥), High-school and Junior High-School Students 400 ¥ (200 ¥).
( )Prices in brackets are for groups of 20 or more.
*Free for members of the Friends of the K・MoPA
*Reduction available for families (2 – 6 persons)

The Earth of Brazil, Farming, Family
The Light of Brazil – Family Sceneries is a large-scale retrospective of Ohara Haruo, highly regarded critically yet publicly still mostly unknown Japanese-Brazilian amateur photographer.
It was 1908 when the Kasato Maru, carrying the first set of 781 contracted workers, set sail to Santos, Brazil. Ohara Haruo was born 1909, the following year, in Misemura (present-day town of Ino) in the district of Agagawa, located in the prefecture Kochi on the south coast of Shikoku. In 1927, at the age of seventeen, he and his family too immigrated to Brazil as part of a larger group of Japanese immigrants. After arriving in Brazil he first worked as farm laborer in São Paulo and later moved to the undeveloped areas of Londrina in the state of Paraná as one of the first to settle there. At the age of 24 he married. It was his wedding that made him think about ways to record important events in his life and finally led him to buy his first camera a few years later. It does not surprise, thus, that his first photograph depicts his wife Kou, next to an orange tree. From then on Ohara continued to make photographs when he had time to spare from work at his farm. He studied and mastered photographic technique on his own, gradually spending more and more time with his camera and in 1951 eventually became a member of the Photo Cinema Club Bandeirante, a prestigious photographic association, and began to exhibit works at home and abroad. From the early 1970s on he started attracting the attention from local newspapers and subsequently became known to a broader public through articles, individual exhibitions, and participations in photo festivals for which he received considerable critical acclaim.

Ohara’s Approach Towards Photography and Central Works of the Exhibition
From the day he left Japan, Ohara kept a diary which he continued to write every day for the remaining 70 years of his life. In it we find quotes such as the following:The weather, just like cats, capricious. Rain. Gray clouds passing by. Dropping beads of water. Illuminated by the sun, a sparkling white string. Seeming to connect heaven and earth.These lines demonstrate the liveliness of Ohara’s artistic expressions, yet they also hint at the close relationship that for Ohara existed between poetic reflection and everyday life. In other words, writing as well as photographing were not only abstract ways of artistically expressing himself, but also practices to deal with concrete hardships. We can see that, for instance in the self-portraits he took during the 1940s, a time in which his coffee plants dried up and pushed the family to its existential limits. For in these self-portraits where we find him burying his head in his hands, there still remains a sense of humor that bespeaks of self-ironical distance; a self-distantiation that may have helped him get over these hard times. Similarly, the photograph Morning clouds (see above) taken in 1952 after his farm had finally recovered from the previous troubles, with its broad sky and a playful Ohara, can be said to bespeak of his relief.
Ohara continued to photograph all encompassing landscapes such as the one in this image, landscapes structured by a sky and a horizon that Ohara himself opened up by developing the primeval forests of Londrina. Against the background of this wide sky – a symbol for development – we find Ohara balancing a hoe on the tip of his fingers, himself “seeming to connect heaven and earth”. This is a figure full of joy over having overcome previous hardships. Yet, it is not him but the vast land of Londrina that takes the center stage, as Ohara suggests by positioning himself on the right of this image – making it into a representative photograph not only of Ohara’s artistic practice but also of this exhibition.
Ohara’s photographs are filled with Brazil’s generous land, the joy he found in farming and a tender, loving gaze towards his family. Many of his photographs at first sight might appear to us as spontaneous snapshots but on a closer look it becomes obvious that his images – the use of natural light and the composition of his objects – are carefully planned and structured, thus, bespeaking of Ohara’s technical skills as well as his ability to observe and his expressiveness.
Furthermore, in his genuine effort to create an original world of expression by portraying the beauty within everyday life through techniques deeply embedded within the concepts of modern experimental photography, we can discover Ohara’s fearlessness with regards to trying out new things. Judging from his photographs one is tempted to say that to carefully depict the important moments of life and the things dear to the people around him and the joy of sharing these photographic fragments of everyday life with his family was one of the central desires that defined Ohara’s life.
Ohara documented the development of Londrina but never the hard labour or turmoils during the war. Throughout his life Ohara kept his stance of being an amateur photographer whose artistic practice is deeply rooted within his experience of everyday life. The joys of farming, thankfulness for the vast earth creating new life, always trying out new things and improving once imaginative skills – we can only guess, but this is what he may have passed onto his children. It is without doubt an important facet that characterizes his work and our understanding of it.
After his wife Kou died in 1973, Ohara revisited all of his negatives in order to create individual albums for each one of his nine children. He locked himself into his darkroom for nearly one year developing over 300 pictures for each of the albums. These albums too will be on display in our exhibition.
In 1999, Ohara died surrounded by his family, which today counts over 70 descendants. In 2008, commemorating the centenary of Japanese immigration to Brazil, his family donated his photographs and documents to the Instituto Moreira Salles, Brazil’s leading archive of photographic material. This exhibition will show 180 carefully selected works of Instituto Moreira Salles’ collection.

Ohara Haruo Works 1
Ohara Haruo Works 2

●Artist Profile /Haruo Ohara(1909-1999)
Born in November 1909 as the eldest son to farmers in Misemura (present-day town of Ino) in the district of Agagawa, located in the prefecture Kochi on the south coast of Shikoku. In 1927, at the age of seventeen, he and his family immigrate to Brazil. After working as farm laborer in São Paulo he moves to Londrina in the state of Paraná in 1933, as one of the first to settle there. Ohara acquires his first camera in 1938 and starts taking photographs in the spare time between growing fruits and coffee at his farm. He studies and masters photographic technique on his own, gradually spending more and more time with his camera. In 1951 he moves to the urban area of Londrina where he becomes a member of the Photo Cinema Club Bandeirante, a photographic association founded in 1939. In the latter half of the 1960s he begins to participate in photographic salons in Brazil and abroad while working at his farm. First an unknown amateur photographer, from the 1970s on his photographs start to attract attention from local newspapers. In 1998, he holds his first solo-exhibition Olhares (‘Looks’) at the 2nd International Biennial of Photography in Curitiba and the International Festival Londrina which created considerable reaction from critics and visitors alike. He dies in Londrina in 1999 at the age of 89, surrounded by his family. In 2008, commemorating the centenary of Japanese immigration to Brazil, his family donated his photographs and documents to the Instituto Moreira Salles, Brazil’s leading archive of photographic material.