
Marc Riboud Photo Exhibition



マルク・リブー Marc Riboud

1923年、フランス・リヨン生まれ。14歳の時、父親にもらったカメラで写真を撮りはじめる。第二次大戦中はレジスタンスのメンバーとして反ナチス抵抗運動に参加。その後、リヨンの国立高等工芸学校にて工学を学び、リヨンの工場でエンジニアとして働く。休暇中、リヨンの演劇祭を撮影したのを機に退職し、フリーランスの写真家となる。1953年、マグナムに参加。1957年、初の中国訪問。以降40年以上にわたり断続的に中国を撮影。1958年、来日。”Women of Japan”(テキスト:Christine Arnothy)を出版する。1975年〜78年、マグナムの会長を務める。1980年、マグナムの寄稿家に転向。1966年、1970年には海外記者クラブ賞受賞。ニューヨーク、パリをはじめ世界中で個展が開催されるほか、多くの写真集が出版されている。



『Alaska 』
Marc Riboud Photo Exhibition

All kinds of surprises lie in ambush of photographers.
Such surprises open the eyes of photographers
and excite the hearts of those with a passion for seeing.
Marc Riboud

Marc Riboud is one of the most celebrated photographers and visual chroniclers of the tumultuous age that was the 20th century. He worked alongside other greats such as Henri Cartier-Bresson and Robert Capa for the Magnum agency. After a three-year journey of photographic reporting through a number of countries in the Middle East and Asia, Riboud turned his focus to Alaska in 1958. At that time, Alaska remained a largely unexplored and untamed land – the feverish activity of the gold rush had long ago subsided and the rich deposits of the “new gold” oil, still lay dormant deep below the ground. It was a terrain dominated by snow and silence, which erased all kinds of ugliness. With child-like excitement, Riboud framed the Alaska landscape with his lens, as if sketching on a white canvas. The exhibition presents carefully selected works from Riboud’s “Alaska” series, a largely unknown masterpiece of photography that has hardly ever been shown before. Marc Riboud’s assured gaze and sensibility will allow you to rediscover the essential power of photography.

Marc Riboud

Marc Riboud was born in Lyon, France, in 1923. At the age of 14 he began taking photographs with a camera given to him by his father. During World War II he was a member of the resistance, opposing the Nazi occupation of the country. Later he studied engineering at Eole Centrale de Lyon and worked as an engineer in a factory. After covering the theatrical festival of Lyon as a photographer while on holiday, he quit his job to become a freelance photographer. In 1953 he joined the Magnum agency. In 1957 he visited China for the first time and continued to take photos of China for more than 40 years. He visited Japan in 1958 and “Women of Japan” (author:Christine Arnothy) was his first book. From 1975 to 1978 he served as the president of Magnum and in 1980 he became a contributor. He won the Overseas Press Club award twice, in 1966 and 1970. Numerous exhibitions of his photographs have been held in New York, Paris, and all over the world, and his photographs have been published in many books.


The exhibition will also be shown in Kyoto as part of the KYOTOGRAPHIE international photo festival in April 2015. For details check the CHANEL Ginza and KYOTOGRAPHIE website.

